March 25, 2025

Payment Options

Available Payment Options

Online Payment, Mobile App, and Interactive Voice Response

Carroll County Electric Department has collaborated with Central Service Association to process electronic payments. Customers who enjoy paying their bill online (click here to pay your bill online) now have an option to pay utilizing our Mobile App. The Mobile Payment App can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Simply search “Carroll County Electric Department” and look for our Logo or scan the QR code for the Mobile App. This allows for quick and easy payments anytime, from anywhere with a smart device. You can also view Statement amounts and usage information.

Card Payments and ACH/eChecks

  • Convenience Fee for Card Payments: $3.50
  • Maximum Card Payment: $750
  • Cards accepted: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express
  • Convenience Fee for ACH/eChecks: $1.50
  • Maximum ACH eCheck Payment: $5,000
  • Maximum Number of Daily Payments: 5

Payments made online, through the mobile app, or by phone update in real-time to your customer account.

PLEASE NOTE:If Electric Service has been disconnected for non-payment, please add Reconnection Fee to your payment.

  • $40.00 Reconnection Fee if paid during business hours (M-F 8am-5pm)
  • $80.00 After Hours Reconnection Fee (nights, weekends, and company observed holidays. No reconnections after 9pm.)
  • Call the Office (731-986-8284) after making payment so a serviceman can be dispatched to restore service.

Automatic Bank Draft

Bank Draft is a free service offered by Carroll County Electric. Payment by bank draft guarantees you will never pay a late fee. The current amount due on your monthly billing statement will draft from your checking or savings account on the due date. You will continue to receive your monthly statement. Statements will indicate, “Paid by Bank Draft.”

You can sign-up by marking the front of your bill, signing the authorization found on the back of the bill, and returning with check in which you want your Electric Bill to draft. A downloadable form (click here to download) can be completed and returned to process sign-up too. Please call the office if you would like to discuss and learn more.